Oh how time flies. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is upon us. We just started work and now we have just finished work. Our last day of work was June 14th. For the last two weeks we have be doing some visiting, saying our good byes and packing.
We were blessed with a trip to Mango in northern Togo where ABWE has opened a new hospital. It was a long trip
but well worth it to see what God was doing there through ABWE. It is a beautiful 60 bed facility that is attracting literally bus-loads of sick people from not only Togo but the surrounding countries. On the way home we visited a nature reserve in Kara. There we got to spend some time with three elephants (the only ones in Togo!), who we got to feed and pet. Upon our arrival home we hosted a
three day open house for the national hospital and clinic staff to come and visit prior to our departure. Seventy-two people showed up! It was truly a refreshing time to spend with so many. During this time words were shared, laughter was had, prayers said, and tears
shed. One thing is for sure that we will miss this place and the people here!
From there we have been packing –reducing our house down from multiple rooms to seven suitcases –and planning for our return, writing emails, setting up doctor appointments, and church presentations and reaching out for funding (to see our present needs and commitments click here). It feels like we are leaving one busy place for another. At the same time we are excited, nervous, happy, and anxious in anticipating the transition/change that is in progress, not sure of where we will end up but at peace that God is in control.
God Bless
Fred, Lydia, Noah and Nathanael
P.S. Our present schedule is such:
July 4th -5th ⇒ flying home, Madison Indiana
July 7Th ⇒ Florence Kentucky, Grace Fellowship
July 9th / 13th / 14th / 15th / 16th ⇒ doctor / dentist appointments
July 16th-19th ? ⇒Florence/Edgewood, KY
July 22 to July 27th ⇒ Quincy Illinois, Bowen Christian Church – Quincy Family Medicine Residency Program
July 29 to Aug 3rd ⇒ Madison Indiana, Childress family reunion
Aug 5th to Aug 10th ⇒ Rogers, Arkansas
Aug 13th ?? ⇒ flying out to Vancouver BC
Aug 15 /16 / 17 ⇒ Tacoma Washington, Temple Baptist Church
Aug 18th to Oct 7th ⇒ Travel back to Madison Indiana visiting family / friends / supporters / clinics; exact schedule – route still to be defined; need to visit multiple states
Oct 11 / 12th ⇒ Milton, Kentucky, Milton United Methodist Church
Oct 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 ?? ⇒ Kirksville, Missouri
Oct 20 to 26th ?? ⇒ Fisher, Illinois
Oct 27 to 30th ⇒ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (ABWE)
Nov 7th ⇒ Marion, Indiana, Indiana Wesleyan University
Nov 8th to Nov 15 ⇒ Tacoma Washington, Temple Baptist Missions Conference
P.P.S. See our updated (or soon to be) pictures and prayer page as well AND please email us (mail@fredandlydia.com) if you would like to see if we can “squeeze you in” to our visiting schedule 😉