My reflection over the last couple weeks has been focusing on the greatness of God and how I pale in comparison. This is not an easy line of thought for me as focusing on the greatness of someone (even God) seems to be prideful and selfish. But just as I am awed by a sunrise that splashes its color beautifully over the mountains or just as I am enthralled by the beauty and intricacy of a tiny snowflake or . . . so too I should be awed and humbled even more so by an amazing awesome and holy creator God who was willing to step down into his creation to become part creation himself, in order to suffer and die so as to save that creation. This is a pure love with no strings attached. Do we truly recognize how great and awesome is our God and his love for us? I’m not sure I do. I pray that I can.
As we take time this Christmas season to reflect on God and the gift that He has given us in the form of a little baby born in the stable, we have felt very blessed to be here in Togo and to be able to give a “small” gift of a mobility cart to those here who have need. Below is a brief summary of seven people that have each been given a mobility cart. I pray that their stories are a blessing to you but also that we will pray for them and their families that in this season of their lives that Christ and his gift of salvation will become very real to them. Thank you for all you do to help us in being here and in praying for us and the Togolese.
-The repercussions of an infection in the brain (meningitis or cerebral malaria) left her with a cerebral palsy type picture with minimal to no use of both her arms and legs.
-The pull cart will allow for greater mobility.
-Religion: animism.
Prayer -that the family will come to know and follow Jesus Christ.
-As a result of a childhood illness, she was left with a debilitating weakness in her legs that greatly restricts her mobility requiring the assistance of her husband and 4 children in being able to get around.
-The mobility cart will give her an independence in moving.
-Religion: Catholic
–Prayer: That she will become involved in a Bible study and deepen her faith.
-She was born with severe club feet that failed treatment.
-The mobility cart will allow her to be able to go to school and other places.
-Religion: none
–Prayer: that her and her family will experience and know God’s love and gift of salvation
-As a result of malaria at 2 years of age she was left with a debilitating weakness in her legs.
-The mobility cart will give her an independence in being able to go to school and church.
-Religion: Christian
–Prayer: that the leaders of her community who heard the gospel message in this process would come to know Christ and that her and her family’s faith would deepen.
5. Pastor Pito – 52-year-old man
-Paralyzed from the waist down as a result from a fall from a tree in 2015.
-The mobility cart gives him independence in movement.
-Religion: Christian
–Prayer: He is currently struggling with a lot of pain and as such is not getting out much. Prayer for an opportunity of ministry and wisdom on how he can cope with the pain.
-Paralyzed since birth. (one brother with also the same problem)
-He was very honored to get a cart and will use it to go to church and to help with his work (shoe repair) –as he also has one child.
-Religion: Christian (he attends a Pentecostal church but did not understand well the plan of salvation, after it was explained to him, he prayed with the pastor for the forgiveness of his sins)
-Prayer: That his faith (and that of his family and community) would grow and deepen. He desires to be married.
-Paralyzed since birth (brother to Komi)
-He was very happy to get a cart as it will greatly help him in independence and moving (not having to crawl now).
-Religion: Christian (He understands the plan of salvation and was reassured of his salvation).
-Prayer: That his faith would grow and deepen and that he would be able to find a job/work.
Thank you again for all that you do in supporting us and blessing the people here in Togo! Thank you for your prayers!
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Fred, Lydia, Noah, Nathanael and Noemi