Summer 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

We’re excited to share with you how God has been working in our lives and the blessings that He has given us in the midst of challenges! Click here to read our new newsletter.

Look forward to hearing from you all and how things are going and how we can be praying for you!

God bless,

Fred, Lydia, Noah, Noémi, Nathanael and Noll

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Fall 2022 Newsletter

Hey Family and Friends, 

Our long overdue newsletter is here! Please access our new newsletter here. We have lots to share with you from preparations to returning to Togo, a new sending church, the development of OB program at HBB, and our goal of leaving sometime around the fall of 2023.

Thank you again so much for the way you pray for us and support us!

God bless,

Fred, Lydia, Noah, Nathanael, Noémi, and Noll 

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2022 January Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

It’s finally here -the news you’ve all been waiting for as to what are the Pfennigers doing?! Click here to see our newsletter and find out how God has been working and leading / guiding.

We would love to hear from you!

God bless,

Fred, Lydia, Noah, Nathaneal, Noémi, and Noll

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Thoughts from the Togo Missions Conference

To all who prayed for us almost 2 weeks ago -THANK YOU!!!
(and sorry it took us this long to let you know what happened!)

It started off a little bit rough -as we found out the night before we were to leave, that our 6 year old had a possible exposure to COVID. So after conversations and prayers, we decided not to bring our kids, and Lydia’s mom so graciously dropped everything and drove the 4 hours so that she could watch the kids while we went to Indy. Though at first this was hard, we actually felt like this was a blessing, allowing for us to completely be able to focus on the conversations and discussions versus needing to split our attention.

In the conference, itself, there were some very good presentations that then allowed for some good conversations to occur that we felt are going to be key in helping us make a final decision.

So, NO, we have not made a decision as of yet, but feel like things are starting to come together to allow us to make that decision. We plan on spending the next few weeks praying, and talking with each other and some people from our church here in Ft. Wayne, with the idea of making a decision by the fall. At that time we will be sure to let you know what we are doing!

Again -thank you so much for your prayers for the past weekend!
We would appreciate your continued prayers as we pray and work through the conversations, the encouragements, and fears and work on trusting God for what this next step will be.

God bless,
Fred and Lydia
Noah, Nathanael, Noe’mi, and Noll

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Prayer for June 12th

Dear Friends and Family,

I don’t know if it has seemed like a long silence since you last heard from the Pfenniger Family and what we are doing.
Honestly, it has seemed like a long period of silence to us as we have sought for God’s clear direction in what He would have us to do -returning to Togo long-term or staying in the US.  The silence for us over the past 2 years has not been easy, as at different times, we thought we would make a decision and then things unexpected happened – COVID, Lydia’s dad being diagnosed with cancer, Noll having a heart valve defect that will require surgery.
In this quietness we have wondered, why the silence and why we weren’t hearing a clear direction. I (Lydia) struggled with the ideas of “are we doing something wrong?” “are we not doing enough of ______?”
In all of this we have been very grateful for a Bible study through the book of Genesis that reminded us that God is faithful and even though He may be quiet for long periods of time, He is still working and will not leave us nor forsake us! (Abraham and Sarah waited 20 YEARS for the birth of Isaac and this is just one such example! Jacob working for Rachel, Joseph being sold and then being in prison -wrongly accused, etc.) In all of this as we look back over the past 2 years, we can see how God has worked and answered prayers -though at the time we did not always see it.

So all of this to say -we have started to feel that God may be starting to answer those prayers and maybe starting to make a path clear.
There is a Togo missions meeting June 12th in Indianapolis, IN to which we will be going and praying to have some good conversations with some of the long-term missionaries there again at HBB.  And family concerns seem to becoming more clear (Lydia’s dad passed in January, and her mom seems to be finding her “path” and Noll will not be requiring surgery at this time but yearly surveillance until surgery is deemed necessary).

Do we know what we are doing yet? NO, but we feel that the answers we were needing have come become more clear and allowing us to be able to have “clearer and better” discussions.  We do NOT know what exactly we are looking for when we go to this meeting on June 12th -but we are asking God that He would have both of us walking away from this meeting with a clear vision, passion, and direction that we can talk through with each other and with couples from the missions committee at our church.  We’re asking God for very clear direction, guidance and wisdom in helping us to make this decision -so that we will know by this fall what we are doing and can start taking steps forward.

And so for this reason I’m writing you –in the past you all have wonderfully supported us in prayers. And so we are asking you again if you would lift us and our family up in prayer for:
1. Protection over the travel and being involved in the conference on June 12th
2. God’s hand and blessing in conversations that occur on and around June 12th
3. Clear thoughts and conversations for Fred and Lydia with God’s guidance and wisdom in the conversations and thus ultimately the decision that needs to be made of whether we will be returning to Togo or staying in the US. (praying for the kids as well as they will start to also be apart of these conversations)

Thank you so much for your prayers! Thank you so much for the way that you have followed us over the past few years!
Please feel free to write with whatever questions and/or any prayers that you would have for us. And we will plan on updating you as we come to the end of this long-period of silence and the beginning to the next steps in our life.

Love in Christ and God bless,
Fred, Lydia,
Noah, Nathanael, Noe’mi, and Noll

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Spring 2020 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been . . . a long, long, long while since we last had a chance to write you. So here it finally is!

We hope this will help to answer the questions of where we are, what we are doing, and where we are going.

We would also love to hear from you and how you are. Please let us know how we can be praying for you! We have been blessed and impacted by so many of you along this journey!

You can access the letter under the “Newsletter” tab and click on “2020 Spring” or you can click here: Spring 2020 Newsletter.

God’s blessing and protection on you and your family!

Fred, Lydia, Noah, Nathanael, Noémi, and Noll Pfenniger

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January 2019 Newsletter

So a very very late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We pray that you all had a wonderful holidays and that as you head into this new year that God will be in and a part of all that you are doing.  We are praying for God’s very clear direction as we head into this year and as we try and determine what our next steps should be.  We would much appreciate your prayers as we seek God’s guidance and direction.  Please read our newsletter and find out how things are going here in Ft. Wayne and what we are working through for this coming year.

You can go to our website under “Newsletter” tab and click on “2019-January” or click here.

Please also see our updated prayer requests and pictures.

God bless,

Fred, Lydia, Noah, Nathanael, and Noémi

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A Quick Note to Say “Hello, Thank You and Stay Tuned!”

We are in the midst of packing.  We leave Togo June 3rd.  We will head to Madison, Indiana for 3 weeks after which we will leave for Fort Wayne, Indiana to start an ER fellowship for one year.  Please know we are both excited at the opportunity and a bit stressed as we start to pray about our future after the year.

What we do after the year is really dependent on a few things such as Nathanael’s speech, how our family is doing, and the direction HBB will take.  As missionaries we have become champions of intentional discipleship not only in the

PAs and Nurses Fred has been teaching

Christian faith but also in education and business.  Over the last 4 months (since the middle of Jan 2018) we have been able to participate in some very open and frank discussions about HBB concerning the paths that are available in going forward.  The

fruits of the discussion have seen the primary responsibility of the medical clinic and hospital being transitioned from the doctors to the medical assistants, with the doctors playing more of a consultant/educator

Fred with the OB nurses

role.  Not only that, the maternity ward/OB clinic responsibility has been transitioned from a high-risk service run by a doctor, to a low risk service run by nurses.  The goal of the service is not to limit itself, but to build a strong foundation prior to becoming once again a high-risk service.

As we leave HBB, we leave in a better place than we did in July 2015.  Back then we were burned out and confused, not knowing how to process our time in Togo.  Today, we leave, healed and at peace with our time here and with no doubts, that we were where God wanted us for the last 5½ years.  If we are confused it is in our next steps.

Topping this all off, HBB has asked us to come back as full-time missionaries.  We can ask for no greater compliment then that.  Thank you.  And we are fervently praying about if God would have us to return to Togo at HBB.

Please know that we plan to continue our blog and newsletter over the next year as we consider our future.  And that we are available, upon requests, to make a presentation and to participate in mission conferences.  We are strong believers in the “missions movement” and would love to share our experience wherever and whenever.

To our prayer supporters:

  • we ask if you can continue to hold us up in prayer as we consider our future if it is to be at HBB or elsewhere;
  • we ask for your prayers for Nathanael, that he will continue to grow and that he will respond to speech therapy;
  • we ask for your prayers for the rest of the family as we transition to a new town, a new job and new schools;
  • And we ask for prayers for HBB as it continues to reflect on its future, and for the decisions that have to be made.

To our financial supporters:

  • Please know that we have job for a year and we are uncertain about what we will be doing after the year.
  • Please know that we do not need financial support while we are in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Thus it is OK to stop your support as of July 1st, 2018.
  • If and when we decide to go back, we will approach you once again, with no expectations that you will give.
  • Please know that we are very grateful for your support over the last 5½ years . . . thank you.
  • Please know that our account at ABWE will continue to be open as we pray about our future. And that money given to the account can only be used for “mission trips” and “mission related work”.

God Bless

Fred, Lydia, Noah, Nathanael and Noémi

PS:  Our schedule

  • June 3, 2018 –> flying home to Madison, IN
  • June 6, 2018 –> Dentist appointment for Nathanael
  • June 11 to June 22, 2018 –> Swim lessons / VBS school for Noah and Nathanael
  • June 14, 2018 –> trip to Fort Wayne to sign lease
  • June 18-20, 2018 –> Trip to Samaritans Purse in Boone, NC (HBB business)
  • June 22, 2018 –> move up to Fort Wayne Indiana
  • June 28, 29, 30 –> Childress family reunion in MI
  • July 9, 2018 to June 28, 2019 –> ER Fellowship
  • August to June 2019 –> New and Old Testament Bible courses

Nathanael and Noemi

New friend Samuel

The two “Whities”

Going to Market with Akofa

Fred working at the hospital

Getting out to eat at a local restaurant

Discussions with the OB nurses

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Finally! Spring 2018 Newsletter

It’s finally here! Our spring newsletter 🙂

Thank you so much for your patience with us!

There’s a lot of important information, updates and news on what has been and is occurring here at the hospital, what God has been doing and where He is leading.

Go to our website under “Newsletter” tab and click on “2018-Spring” or click here. Also see the additional “2018 -Spring Mobility Carts Insert” or click here to learn what God has been doing through the PET carts/Mobility carts.

Please also see our updated prayer requests, pictures and financial pages.

God bless

Fred, Lydia, Noah, Nathanael and Noémi

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Pfenniger Family Interview by MAG youth -the Why, What and Where on Being a Medical Missionary.

It’s hard to believe that this time last year we were getting ready to finish up our last semester in France and Noémi was yet to arrive!  And now we’ve been in Togo for a little over 3 months -wow, a lot has happened over this year and we feel very blessed for what God has done in our lives and how He has been working in us.  Part of that is taking the time to look back and remember what God has done and how He has worked in our lives.  It helps to remind us of the challenges that He’s brought us through and remind us that He will continue to be with us as He was in the past even though we may not always see it in the moment.

I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.      Psalm 77:11

As you enter this new year, we pray that you have the chance to reflect on what God has done for you, how He’s been there for you over the past year and/or years.

This is a video clip of an interview that MAG church youth asked us to do for them a few days before we left for Togo, it was a blessing to us to be able to recount how God has worked in our lives. Hope you enjoy it as well.

Please see our prayer page for continued updates as for us and the hospital there remain some critical decisions to be made.

See our picture page for recent photos.

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