2024 Summer Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,

We hope and pray that you are doing well!  Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!  We would love to hear from you, how you are doing, and how we can pray for you!

Two Paths.  A Call?

I miss the ER.  These last 5 months have been tough from a job perspective where I saw patients and made a good living.  I enjoyed it.  Having said that, I am grateful for where I am today, and what I am doing to prepare to go to the mission field.  In this, life has changed.  I am doing a lot of reading, on-line courses, making presentations, reducing and cleaning up our house, connecting with people, and preparing for the next stage of our lives.  I am also spending more time with the kids, participating in their lives, teaching and assisting with homework, taking them to sports camps, playing with them and talking.  I am enjoying it.  But I am also afraid.  We are leaving a comfortable situation where routines for us and the kids have been established and we are doing well, to go to something else which is unfamiliar and new.  The opportunities are changing from known and possibilities to an unknown and “walking away from possibilities.”  Are we depriving us? Them?  Are we changing our futures to something less?  How do you choose? We are leaving a situation where we had “the means” to do stuff to a situation where it is prudent for us to apply for financial assistance.  If it was an issue of finances or an issue of “being called,” the choices are clear.  Yet we cannot follow two masters (Matthew 6:24) and I do not literally hear God’s voice.  I have been influenced by the Scripture, the books I have read, Christian fellowship, and the belief I have.  The Gospel of John talks about faith in God (John 6:29).  God requires us to have faith.  But he does not expect mindless faith (2 Peter 1:5-9).  God requires us to be diligent (Luke 14:28-30).  God requires us to take care of our families.  In 1 Timothy 5:8 it states “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”  How do you walk this line?  We as a family continue to pray and talk about our decision to go to Togo regularly ensuring that we are thriving and not over run by the tasks to be done.  We continue to believe, in faith, that God is opening the door, with no expectations of a life without challenges, and to trust Him as we continue on this path.  We are thankful for how He has guided us thus far, and we pray for the wisdom to know what His will is and to do what is right without holding on to a set outcome.

UPDATES – HBB (Hôpital Baptiste Biblique)

Regular communication has started with the Togo South and hospital mission teams.  We have had 5 meetings to discuss logistics of getting from here to there.  We have also received updates.  The biggest news is that the hospital has started up a low-risk OB service at the request of the Togolese.  We understand this has occurred due to the increase of maternal deaths in the area.  The service is currently being run by the on-site family medicine doctor and visiting OBGYNs.  We are excited at this news and but also nervous.  We want to be back at HBB!

UPDATES – Preparing for the mission field

We have a departure date! …the end of December.  At that time, we will be going to Sherbrooke, Quebec for 10-12 months of French language study.  Up until that time we continue to focus on our pre-field task including our continuing medical education requirements and passport – VISA issues, reducing our house hold and preparing a container, and investigating exercise equipment for Togo and how to educate our kids in Togo.  Our presentation schedule has become lighter, although we still have a few left and are working on setting up additional ones.

For our pre-field requirements, we recently met with a pastor at our church to see if we can set up a couple of books studies with new believers to lead them through The Study of Hope and The Way of Joy.  We will be meeting with him again in the beginning of July to discuss the opportunities.  Outside of that, Fred is on his last on-line course, and Lydia continues to work through the Methods of Bible Study course.  From there she still has two courses to complete and one book to read.  Adding to these tasks, we are in the last 7 months of a 3-year process of recertifying our medical board exams and are working through our passport / VISA requirements for Sherbrooke Quebec

Reducing our house hold has been interesting.  We are spending Monday afternoons going through areas of our house, reducing what we no longer need, repairing what needs to be fixed and having discussions of how we will be living not only in Togo West Africa, but Sherbrooke, Quebec.  We have also communicated with a church in Michigan that sends containers to Togo on a regular basis.  From the initial communication it sounds like they are willing to help us.

Regarding exercise equipment for Togo, we have had multiple leads and one good conversation.  We are praying and hoping that this will lead to at minimum a treadmill and a rowing machine for use in Togo allowing not only us, but the team, an opportunity to exercise regularly.  In this same breath we have had some good conversations regarding educating our kids in Togo.  We are encouraged by the team effort that is working together to educate the 35 plus kids on the compound in Togo (teachers needed).


Lydia and Fred continue to be amazed how full our schedules are despite not holding down traditional jobs and this being the summer break for the kids.  Outside of Matthew 25, a clinic Lydia volunteers at 2 half days a month, and weekly bible study for Fred, our time is filled with our family, shuttling the kids around for summer sports, presentations, pre-field tasks and preparing our lives for the missionary field. In the beginning of August, we will be traveling to the west coast to visit family and supporters.

Noah (age 12) finished grade 6 well.  Despite having a full schedule of school and extra-curricular activities throughout the year, he received recognition for all A’s, excellence in social studies and finished 2nd in the middle school chess club tournament.  Dad has noticed his improvement in chess and can no longer beat Noah on a regular basis.  And actually dad has lost the last 6 games to Noah, but who is counting?! (obviously dad is!)  Noah also participated in the end of the year band and choir concert.  He just finished soccer and has started basketball camp and swim club.  At the end of July, he will be going on a 1-week mission’s trip to Tennessee.   

Nathanael (age 9) finished grade 2 strong. He got all A’s and received the award for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) for his grade.  He, like his brother, also maintained a full schedule during the school year.  And like his brother in chess, he is now beating dad in Othello.  We cannot remember the last time dad won!  In March he placed in the Indiana State gymnastics competition for his age group.  He also got braces on his upper teeth (which he wanted, go figure).  He finished spring basketball and is currently doing gymnastics, soccer, and swim club.

Noémi (age 6) has finished kindergarten!  She was proficient in all the skills for the year.  In May, dad and Noemi went to a “Daddy-Daughter Date Night,” hosted by a local Christian radio station.  She loved it despite the fact that dad does not dance, but did (just for her).  She finished basketball and will be doing swim prep and gymnastics during the summer.  She will also be attending a week-long camp in Michigan with her cousin and is enjoying the extra time at home with Noll.

Noll (age 4) made it through preschool.  By the end of the year, he had made some good friends and met all the class standards.  We’re hoping to connect with these friends at splash-pads over the summer.  He finished spring basketball and will be doing swim prep and gymnastics during the summer.  He continues to have a “winning smile.”


  • Lydia surgery went well with no complications.
  • The kids finished school well and have settled into their summer routines.
  • The response to our future ministry in Togo.
  • Progress we are making on our pre-field tasks.

Prayers that God would:

  • Give us the ability to trust him –being without traditional jobs and walking this road can create fear and doubt.
  • Help us in getting our pre-field tasks completed, and the tasks that will allow us to move to Quebec and Togo successfully.
  • Be with us –our children (Noah, Nathanael, Noemi and Noll) and in our marriage –to give us wisdom, grace, peace as we look at major life change.

God bless, Fred and Lydia
